9TH#GSFW - Call For Papers

We are delighted to announce that the 9th #GSFW, Central Europe’s most powerful sustainable fashion week, will take place in Budapest between 9-15 June 2025.

  • As one of the featured programs, we plan to organize the international conference on 12 June 2025. 

Venue: Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry:https://bkik.hu/en

We welcome professionals, educators, designers, manufacturers, technology providers, researchers, distributors, professionals, or supporters of sustainable and circular fashion, and if you have good practice to share with us, we kindly invite you to submit a Call for Paper as follows.

  • Please note that the presentations will focus on sustainable and circular solutions considering the concepts of the 9th#GSFW
  • DESIGN: We encourage the growth of quality designed products that can reduce the negative impact on ecosystems and prolong the life cycle of clothing (zero waste design, recycling etc.)
  • MATERIAL/FABRIC: We encourage people to use natural and sustainable materials (more biodegradble fabrics) with a high environmental and social value and to enable a better circular material flow / closed loop systems/cradle to cradle /.
  • PRODUCTION should be:
  • Handcrafted, preserving the national heritage and value
  • Eco-friendly (including packaging)
  • Fair, social & ethical
  • Applications must be submitted in English
  • Presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes, including 5 minutes for questions and answers at the end of the relevant topics. Please prepare your presentation to fit into the time available.
  • Presenters should submit a 500-word abstract, including the title, a brief description of the topic(s) to be discussed, contact details, and a short biography using the form below

Deadline for submission: 31st March 2025

Confirmation for acceptance: 15th April 2025 

call-for-papers-gsfw-2025 (#8)

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