The Digital 5th Global Sustainable Fashion Week – 2020

Let’s reinvent fashion!
Our world is changing in front of our eyes. We face the climate change, the negative impacts of global air and water pollution and many social problems. Our current situation is shaping our attitude towards consumption and therefore has a major effect on the fashion industry. How is the fashion industry changing? Will the sustainable shift we’ve been waiting for finally come? What will the future of fashion look like and how will our attitude towards our planet change?
The Digital 5th Global Sustainable Fashion Week is an online conference where these questions will be answered with the help of experts from all over the world.
On 2nd of April, the first day of our two day online conference we will stream the video presentations of our international and Hungarian lecturers and designers, while on the second day, 3rd of April you’ll be able to join our live lectures on sustainability and environmental problems from your home.
The event organized by Dr. Gabriella Manyi-Walek, the founder of National Fashion League Hungary, the association behind the biggest annual sustainability event of the Central-European region is joined by Dr. Professor Ervin Laszlo, well-known Hungarian system philosopher, Rossana Diana, Italian expert on circular economy, Dr. Guoxiang Yuan, professor of Donghua University of Shanghai, Ákos Lukács climate-change advisor and Senior Manager at Deloitte and many more international experts from 20 countries representing EU, USA, South-America, Asia, Australia.
Originally the French Institute in Budapest was to be the venue of the event, since this year’s invited guest is France, whose prime minister Emmanuel Macron is the one behind the Fashion Pact, an agreement joined by many big companies in favor of sustainability and ethical fashion. A well-known french media professional will speak about the pact during the event.
In order to be as sustainable as possible and to ensure the safety of the participants, the organizers decided to have the conference online. Therefore the chance for a safe, global discourse can take place in order to shape the future of fashion and sustainability once the current crisis is over.
The keywords are cooperation and adaptation. This is our time to evaluate and reinvent fashion!
Moderators of the conferences:
Dr Gabriella Mányi-Walek, President of NFLH and #GSFW
Muhammad Fawad Noori, Creative Design Head of #GSFW
Hungarian Spoken Part
Dr Gabriella Mányi Walek & Rózsa Megla
ATV report about the 5th#GSFW
Gabriella Suba, Hungary
The plan of the GSFW toward an environment-friendly event
Dr Ervin László
Earth 21 Talks,
It Is Time For Transition
Presenting Hungarian Eco designers: Nusi Mohácsi – Shamo Bags, Zsófia Szőnyegi – Macondo, Gabriella Veszprémi – Developing – Reusing Leather Waste, Judit Simon – Ditta Felt
Dr Ildikó Medgyessy – Elegant Design Zrt.
Anna Hannauer Szabó – Innowear
Dóra Balogh – Weall
Péter Lukács
Environmental Damage of Fashion Industry In Hungary
English Spoken Part
Gabriella Suba
Green Plan of GSFW
Dr LeeAnn Teal Rutkovsky
Impact Fashion Hub
Ildikó Csikai
Space Harmony System
Dr Ervin László
Inspire Nation Show – Chaos and Super-Coherence. What Is Going On In The World Today,
It Is Time For Transition
Heiðrún Ósk Sigfúsdóttir
Ninette Murk
For a better fashion world
Guoxiang Yuan PhD
Sustainable Fashion Design by Using Digital Laser Surface Treatment
Natalia Solomatine – Feodora Moscow
Brenda Andersen & Constanza Darderes
Second hand cool fashion, circular economy, new consumption habits
Anna Yona – Wildling Shoes
Cornelia Kangur
Can Fashion Really Be Sustainable?
Camilla Carrara – Zerobarracento
Charlen O’Brain
Interview about the eco design
Judit Simon – Ditta Felt
Essi Tomobile – AfroDesign
Dóra Balogh – Weall
Ágnes Krivanics – HoF The Fashion Show & Pop-Up
Madhusudan. K. LAL
Climate change
Réka Szentesi
Fashion Revolution
English Spoken Conference Day
Isabelle Brigout
French journalist about the Fashion Pact
Ákos Lukács
Environment, Sustainability, Climate Change at Deloitte Hungary
Dr Monika Zabel
The Roles of Designers and Artists in Times of Environmental Crisis
Vittorio Giomo & Ornella Bignami
Presentation of “Green Book”
Zuzana Kralova
Sustainable Supply Chain
Mia Sylvia Harrod
Presentation about eco wedding dresses
Dr Jocelyn Chen
Sustainability – The New It – An Approach Embedded in Self-Directed Learning
Kriszta Szabo
Green Culture
Fawad Noori
Importance of Digital Activities to Upgrade Sustainability in Fashion
Monika Choudhary
Eco- friendly printing of textiles substrates by flower and leaves imprint technology
Analia Pastran & Evangelina Colli
Public Policy and Legislation in Sustainable Fashion
Mariel Jumpa & Dominique Langer
Empowering Latin American Fashion into the digital world
Anna Yona
Wildling Shoes – Building up a remote team as a sustainable minimal shoe brand
Bav Tailor
Focus Your Inner Ecology to Nurture the Environment Around You
Benjamin Itter
Create real value – Ideas for a sustainable textile industry
Luca Olivini
Sustainability & Circular Economy in the Textile Industry
Martina Marekova Kuipers – Fashion Revolution Slovakia